Breathwork series for self-love

Heart Sutra

Meditation Collection


Curated meditations for devoted breathwork and meditation practice to open yourself up to sacred love and your most heart-centered self. 

  • Access to 8 different breathwork recordings

    4 Breathwork styles

    Learn the benefits of breathwork

    Nurturing guidance into your practice 

    Relax and heal your body and mind


    Open to beginners to advanced

  • In this nourishing series, you will explore a different style of breath each week that is designed to allow you to connect to your heart and experience the world with passion & grace. 

  • The idea that we're constantly shifting through realities can be perceived as metaphysical, but we have seen that quantum physics and neuroscience also touch on these ideas.

    In quantum physics, the observer effect suggests that the act of observation can influence the outcome of an experiment, potentially implying that our consciousness has a role in shaping reality.

    Neuroscience also explores how our perception and interpretation of events can influence our experiences. The brain's plasticity and ability to form new neural connections suggest that our thoughts and beliefs can shape our reality to some extent because we have a beautiful thing called the reticular activating system. This network of neurons, located in the brainstem, acts as a doorway between the conscious and the subconscious mind and governs sensation, sleep and wake cycles, consciousness, and our attention.

    As we navigate our way through the world, we take in so much more information than our conscious brain can handle, so it is up to the RAS to filter this information and decide what is important and what isn't. This is the science behind, "Where your attention goes, energy flows." The more we pay attention to something, the more important this information becomes for our brains, thus we begin to see more of it and draw it into our lives.

Heart Sutra Breathwork Portal
One time
For 3 months
***If you are pregnant, have seizure disorders, glaucoma, psychosis, or any other contraindications, please refrain from any intense breathwork practice or talk to whomever you trust your health to, to see if breathwork is appropriate for you. Participate at your own risk. Divine Alchemy Academy and Kimber Tiernan assume no liability for your outcome. Always listen to your body and your own guidance.